last modified 20110430-1940 gmt
for some time now I have been finding all sorts of messages from the face book in my mail box – that so and so wants to be my friend and such. I have never responded.
It is not that I am a-social;
there is no point.
Right at the moment the gestapi ( it is a plain clothes policeman who calls himself cbi "officer" and his stooges from other spy networks, like the so called "special" branch of the local police. Motto: " you show me the man; we will find the crime!" ) has no access to me other than through the telephone tapping and what I put on the puter ( and that is strictly only stuff that I want to NET-CAST ). Otherwise all that they can do is put a couple of their catamites close to me in the public transport and make them carry on a conversation which I invariably refuse to listen to or one catamite alone can start talking on his cell phone at government expense for the whole duration of the journey which again is not going to be effective in my case. So they desperately need a “friend” as the contact person. and as far as i know that could be "the" reason for people wanting to be friends with me like never before.
now If you are trying to make friends with me at the behest of the gestapi with the intention of acting as a mole, I am not interested in you, for obvious reasons. I am certain that most of the "want to be friends" belong to that category – no way; tried and tested repeatedly and found wanting, I won't touch you even with a barge pole. it is too big an ask even to an imbecile that is me - you cannot have your cake and eat it too.
If you are doing it on your own the next thing will be the gestapi approaching you with that “kushu itta nayinte” smile and flashing the identity card which the locals and other intellectuals like the wolf madam find so terribly impressive and win you over to their side and make you into a mole. Who could resist the privilege of being the “friend” of the officer police! So the majority will fall for it.
now, if you are an exceptional human being with guts and refuse to do the dirty on an unsuspecting simple straight forward human being, your communications with me is never going to reach me any more. That is why I said -
there is no point.
it is heads you win; tails i loose.
now coming to
the brass tacks
of it.
I will give you an incident that happened today just a few hours back. I was on my picasa web site after logging in and when I tried to modify a picture slightly it refused and soon the dialer kicked in saying that the connection has been cut off - my picasa albums account was open then. Rather than dialing again immediately I took my own time at it; switched off the power supply of the modem waited for a few minutes and then switched the modem on and dialed again and was connected.
After I was re-connected I did not have to login again – the pages were available readily and I could continue on picasa.
I am not a “learned” infotech expert. But I have been using the net for some time now. If I have been cut off from the server of the picasaweb I will NOT be able to manipulate their pages without logging in again.
the fact of the matter is that i am NOT getting connected to the net directly but am routed through a proxy server – the indian gestapo's BLACK HOLE. When I am cut off I have lost contact with the gestapi's BLACK HOLE; but the BLACK HOLE is still connected to the server of the picasa web through the rear. When i connect again all I am doing is re-establishing the connection with the proxy server, the gestapi's BLACK HOLE. I dont have to log in again to picasa web for the gestapi's back hole is still connected to the picasa web - the gestapi has cut me off for the time being so that the meddling can be carried out without my interference.
you can always claim that i could have ticked the stay signed in but i can assure you that i never do it. you will at least agree that i am a doubting thomas and with my "illusions and delusions " do you think i would leave my page open for weeks ?
well , for arguments sake i will accept that it could be possible that i might have by chance ticked that stay signed in. then here comes another instance.
A simple example - I make a link to my diary land page from my blog I paste the web address, then test the link and ensure that it is functioning and then click ok. But the link will refuse to work online and when I check up while i am still logged on to the site, the web address will be some thing different. this went on time and again and ultimately i made a note of it on the blog and typed out the web address separately.
incidentally the above mentioned web page will make interesting reading. the fact is that i do not put too much of non-vegetarian stuff on the google site for i do not want google to boot me out and i be deprived of all the facilities that comes with a google account. all the same i have to tease and taunt the gestapi and force them to come out into the open and that demands that i use strong language. it is not that i like doing this sort of things but i do not have any other alternative as far as i can see. i am desperate and as i mentioned earlier at some other place desperate situations warrant desperate remedies.
now how come the pages and links i make get changed dynamically ?
simple, Dummy; I am not the only one working on that page at that moment. And currupting a link is just childs play to a person sitting at the server end - you just have to add a single extra dot to the web address and the link will no more work!
if you are going to tell me that the staff at the google are doing it, sorry; i am not "that deluded" as to believe the story.
Every stroke that I make on the keyboard is being watched and the policeman or his pimp at the proxy server will interfere as and when he feels like.
the above two pictures are later additions made on 20110430 and i wouldn't know whether the sort of thing shown there can be simulated at the level of the proxy server! To my humbly knowledge the culprit here is some one who has got administrative rights over the server of the irctc website.
more pictures of the same series at my
Now look at what happens when I try to dial the adsl connection.
when i dial up initially for the first time in the day or after a long interval from my previous logging off, the adsl led will NOT light up during the first attempt and the flickering stops soon and light goes completely off.
after a short interval the modem makes a second attempt. the adsl led starts flickering again and soon the light gets switched on and the connection is established. click on the link below to watch the movie - it is not a good movie because of my limitations but the essentials are there. the second light from the left is the adsl led - the first is the lan.
now if i disconnect and switch off the modem and connect again immediately the adsl invariably gets lit up at the first attempt itself. and that is what you see in the next movie available at the link given below:
as i said earlier i am not a techie. and my comments about what you see here in the movies are conjectures only - an intelligent guess i would dare to say.
i feel that the two attempts are needed initially as the gestapi's BLACK HOLE is not ready. there has to be some foreplay and the hole has to be lubricated to facilitate entry and a connection has to be made through the back door to the server - you cannot remain connected to the server 24 x 7. so initially entry is denied.
by the time of the second trial the black hole has been made ready, the rear has been connected to the server and entry is possible and the connection gets established. that is why two attempts are needed initially.
now once i disconnect and switch off the modem and connect immediately or soon after the lubrication is still there and entry is possible immediately and there is no need for a second attempt.
What I am trying to tell you is that my net connection is under the complete control of the indian gestapi the M/F urf incBas. my net traffic up and down are under the clutches of the gestapi ( it is a plain clothes policeman who calls himself cbi "officer" and his stooges from other spy networks, like the so called "special" branch of the local police. Motto: " you show me the man; we will find the crime!" )
the basic strategy
the basic strategy of the gestapi is to ostracize, isolate, harass and make me submit to their dictates. the tampering with the internet is an integral part of the strategy.
Left alone I can get along famously with fellow human beings. the gestapi had realised it the hard way that once i get established it is impossible for them to dislodge me - remember, i held on for (5 + 5 =) ten years! levave alone being kicked out during the initial contract period i was even given an extension for another five years. that is why
the pre-emptive strikes
i shouldn't be allowed to establish myself anywhere. the locals have to be primed before i land up at their place.
I have the nunnashekharans trailing me 24 x 7 and even parking themselves at localities where I am planning to go carrying out a whispering campaign ( the telephone tapping and tampering is a very important source of “intelligence” that way to find out my destinations ). the result is that people look at me with biased eyes.
To a biased, and obviously clueless, person every action, even the simplest of gestures, of the suspect can appear as signs of insanity- that is if they had already been told that the fellow is insane ! who would want to have anything to do with an insane person except perhaps as a joke, a mock relief for their tired intellect!
incidentally the first day i landed up in kizhakkambalam a local tea shop owner was telling me about mental illness and how things are not going to work out for me here as i wanted it and showing me the typical gestapi gesture - the older version that you see me mimicking in the picture below.
gestapi gesture - older version
the secret police were already on the job in Kzh even before my reaching the place
and the locals had been primed.
that day, all i had with me in this remote strange place were two phone numbers both of which were not answering and i was completely stranded. in fact i had gone to the establishment where one cellphone owner was working and was at the reception in the ground floor but the "gentleman" was "NOT" available or could not find the time to meet me. it was a forerunner of things to come!
it was very sensible of me to have chosen not to drive to Kzh straight when i reached ernakulam at past ten in the previous night - i had put myself up in a hotel in ernakulam - for otherwise i could have faced all sorts of problems from the prowling secret police during the night.
indeed at a later date at kzh a police vehicle had pulled up near me as i was walking back home at around eleven in the night and the assistant-sub-inspector-of-police was asking me all sorts of funny questions and that in spite of my showing him proof of my identity. as he was going on with this nonsense he was turning back and taking instructions from some one sitting inside - most likely pakkichi police.
i did not retaliate for that day my motor bike's tire had been punctured and i had left it some where on the road to ernakulam and these characters knew about it and they could make it go missing and i did not want to provoke them into doing it.
With the gestapi, that is the indian gestapo ( it is a plain clothes policeman who calls himself cbi "officer" and his stooges from other spy networks, like the so called "special" branch of the local police. Motto: " you show me the man; we will find the crime!" ) trailing me and carrying out a malicious slander campaign and making pre-emptive strikes it is simply not possible for me to have any human company over here.
No body in this country would want to have anything to do with me and rub the gestapi officer the wrong way unless perhaps the fellow has suicidal tendencies. Most of the time the local gentry go out of their way to help out the all powerful indian gestapi and be in their good books and may be advance their career.

gestapi gesture -latest version
it is supposed to be a "threat"
Man is a social animal and badly needs a network of caring friends and relatives for healthy living.
i thought the gestapi could not be a factor if I am able to make friends in the outside world. one of the aims of my purchasing a intel celeron 333mHz processor desktop in 1999 paying 42,000 INR was to find some human company on the net. And from that very time onwards my computer system and internet connections are being ransacked by the indian gestapo and their pimps.
Initially they had to break in and even then could not do much for it was the late ninetees. the gestapi did not have even the wherewithal to crack an eight digit password and my first 2GB hard disk which was swapped with an identical one after breaking into my house in my absence in the name of security did not serve any purpose at all then.
Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since and now a days my computer system is being manipulated and is being taken over even while it is not connected in anyway to any net work. of course for that they have to break in and manipulate my system at least initially.
What do you do when this crime is being committed by those getting paid to enforce law?
so as i said initially
for all practical purposes,
i am an untouchable of the twentyfirst centuary india.
i am being denied all human company.
there is no point me trying to make friends with any body or socialise;
it is taboo over here.
By the way, I mentioned in the kerala high court during my effort to get my writ application admitted that my internet connection is being routed through a proxy server.
The judge's reply was
" all internet connections are going through proxy server "
- the learned judge ought to know!