SBI atm joining ranks

Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,
theCloister, nr rockPark,
Venkode P.O., Vattappara
Thiruvananthapuram – 695028 IN 

No.201304/sbi/wh01                                                  April 25, 2013.


The General Manager (NBG – Coordination),State Bank of India,

State Bank Bhavan, 11th Floor, Madam Cama Road,

Mumbai 400 021.

THIS IS to bring to your kind notice a peculiar problem I had faced with my sbi debit card.
1. On 04/15/13 at about a quarter to eight pm when I tried to use my atm card 4591xxxxx82 to withdraw money from my SbAcNo.10242362416 on atmS10A004478001, I was refused - response code 062 txn 3287; card blocked.
2. The one and only time I had used the above card prior to this on 20130415 was at 1202 on atmS10G000941003 when I successfully withdrew Rs.500. The card was present on my person throughout the day. But, according to the machine the wrong pin has been entered thrice in the interim on the above date!
i wonder what could be the source of these three pin errors.
3. I contacted your LHO at trivandrum at 0471-2324088 on the matter on 20130416. The gentleman gracefully agreed with me that your data base will contain information on the “BLOCK” and promised to look into the matter; but when I telephoned him next day to follow up he was too busy to talk to me.
4. I tried your helpline 1800 112211 on the same day (20130417). I had a difficult time explaining the problem there. Ultimately, after keying in my card number and PIN code and entering a “secured” site I was told they can unearth the information; but then the line was cut off abruptly.
Do I smell a rat ?

5. I am curious ( my circumstances are peculiar ) and hence this letter. The inconvenience caused to you in this regard is deeply regretted.
Yours faithfully


as on date there is no explanation about what was going on.
I am NOT at all surprised.
My sole aim was to put the thing on record. I have spent INR 30 on postage from my pocket and seen that the matter has reached the highest authority possible.

   every dog has its day - and could be my day also will come; then and then only things could become useful.
I was wondering if I had made a mistake some where. The pregnant silence speaks for itself - it is not my fault.
Not only that, history is being repeated. One of these days I gave the wrong pin the first time I used this card on the atm and it was refused. Immediately I made the second attempt I used the correct PIN; the machine came out with the message that the card has been blocked for the day as I have entered a wrong pin three times! Actually I have entered the wrong pin only once during that day. Showing off ! are you ?

My conclusion is that It is all the works of an over sized juvenile delinquent who has got administrative rights over the computer system of the bank.

Now a days I myself see that the card is blocked most of the time by repeating multiple wrong pin entries – just for the heck of it! You see the card gets blocked for that particular day and the next day the block is not there and I have been using my old pin only successfully. 
