
Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,
theCloister, near rockPark, Venkode P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695028.

No.2012/pen/11a                                                    May 11, 2012.


PPO No.xscscscs

1. Please refer PPO No.sgsgsgsg

2. I would appreciate it very much if the accountant general will stick to my personal particulars as provided by the pension sanctioning authority.

3. This is in the context of some of the data supposed to be pertaining to me on your computer system which I find are different from the data in my records. I got a glimpse of the information by sheer chance while I had been to the AG's office some time in january 2012, in connection with the revision of my pension vide GO (P) No.84/2007/Fin. dated 1st march 2007. I feel the sort of manipulations I had seen there is completely unwarranted.


( C. Jyothi )


the principal accountant general ( A & E ), kerala
thiruvananthapuram. 1