
01/10/14 GMT 02:24:35 PM: -
Almost every call that I make on my land-line phone 472-2802028 of the bsnl Thiruvananthapuram is being cut off in between and taken over – the line goes dead in my hands - so that the caller can be educated by the “intelligent” gentleman in charge of my phone.
Many a time the connection is not even restored after the “master” has finished the briefing.
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I tried down loading a podcast from the bbc. The speed I was getting today was 4 kb to 7 kb. - even with the bsnl 'broad” band the down load speed could be around 70 kb/sec. And
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Two “gentlemen” of the locality were prowling around my shack since morning. They went back after 1400 hrs or so, rather disappointed. One of them has previous experience in capturing a “mad man”.